
Create a Buyers Email List WITHOUT Your Own Product

Create a Buyers Email List WITHOUT Your Own Product Welcome to another episode of The Daily Muse!

Today, I want to talk about how you can create a buyers email list without selling your own product.


Here's how (I should tell you to just watch the video, but...):

Create a blog post that pre-sells an affiliate product. In your Call-to-Action (CTA), you place a link in your post that either calls up a pop-up form OR another page.

On that form or page, you place an offer for a BONUS, UP FRONT. Yes, you give them the bonus first.

In return for the bonus, they give you their email address.

THEN upon clicking the submit or subscribe button, you send them to the affiliate offer.


Don't like that idea? Watch the video for a SECOND idea on creating a buyers list without selling your own product.

Both of these methods work well, the former about 10x better than the latter.

But they do both work.

Try them. Always experiment...

And if you can't think of a bonus to giveaway first, check out your vendor's page -- often, they have mini-courses or small reports you can give away.

Plus, inside those assets, they often place or allow you to place your affiliate links inside.


I'm taking a week's hiatus -- going on vacation with extended family. They're coming up for the first time since we moved, so we have to "show them around."

See you in a couple weeks.

Happy 4th. Stay safe and cool.

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internet marketing,blogging,WordPress,buyers list,email marketing,email list,bonus,affiliate,affiliate offer,

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