James 2:14-17
Jesus did all the work that resulted in our salvation. Jesus was the only person ever born on planet earth who could die for our sins!
Human beings cannot, and do not work for their salvation! The price for your salvation is too high for you to ever pay for it.
There is no such thing, then as "Works Salvation!" But there most certainly are "Salvation Works."
Because you are saved by the Blood of Jesus your faith is expressed in many good works. The man or woman who tries to work for their salvation cannot even begin to match the good works of the one who is saved!
A very common lie of Satan is this: "Since you are saved, you don't need to worry about working for Jesus!" Satan tells that lie because he wants you to be useless in the spreading of the Good News of the Kingdom of God.
"Lord Jesus, thank You for saving me and for giving me the Power of the Holy Spirit to touch everyone I meet today with Your Righteousness and the hope of Eternity that only comes because of Your Blood. Praise Your Holy Name, now and forever. Amen."