
Visible space | Wikipedia audio article

Visible space | Wikipedia audio article This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:

00:00:36 1 Overview
00:02:25 2 Definition and ambiguity
00:02:52 2.1 Unicode
00:03:47 2.1.1 Substitutes
00:05:11 3 Whitespace and digital typography
00:05:22 3.1 On-screen display
00:06:09 3.2 Variable-width general-purpose space
00:07:15 3.3 Hair spaces around dashes
00:08:18 3.4 Formatting values of quantities
00:08:46 4 Computing applications
00:08:57 4.1 Programming languages
00:10:45 4.2 Command line user interfaces
00:11:23 4.3 Markup languages
00:14:37 4.4 File names
00:15:34 5 See also

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Speaking Rate: 0.7031255869752023

Voice name: en-AU-Wavenet-B

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- Socrates



In computer programming, whitespace is any character or series of characters that represent horizontal or vertical space in typography. When rendered, a whitespace character does not correspond to a visible mark, but typically does occupy an area on a page. For example, the common whitespace symbol U+0020 SPACE (also ASCII 32) represents a blank space punctuation character in text, used as a word divider in Western scripts.

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