
Pay civil servants a minimum wage of US$600 or else…: Mnangagwa's government in trouble

Pay civil servants a minimum wage of US$600 or else…: Mnangagwa's government in trouble Pay civil servants a minimum wage of US$600 or else…: Mnangagwa's government in trouble

Zimbabwe has commemorated Workers Day, amid an albatross of recent price hikes of basic goods and services which have put a strain on the pockets of the workers, leading the government to call on businesses to exercise restraint on raising prices. The Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare, Dr Sekai Nzenza said it is sad that for Zimbabwe the day comes in the wake of recent price hikes which if they persist, there will be no ultimate winner as workers revert to business asking for more and eventually, a vicious cycle of price hikes and salary increments is created. Nelson Chamis...

#Pay #civil #servants #a #minimum #wage #of #US$600 #or #else… #Mnangagwas #government #in #trouble


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