
AIM Group Webinar 1 - Focusing on Positive Pathways for NEET Individuals.

AIM Group Webinar 1 - Focusing on Positive Pathways for NEET Individuals. The Skills Shortage crisis is on the rise across the UK, with the number of skills shortage vacancies rising from 16% in 2011, to 22% in 2017. Many employers desperately need qualified staff to fill available vacancies, but struggle to find candidates with the appropriate qualifications and training.

A Key factor that could be linked to this issue is the high number of individuals who are Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET). There are a number of ways to approach this problem head on; early intervention in schools, engagement with NEET individuals and providing access to training opportunities.

This webinar will explore exactly how The AIM Group are tackling this issue with partner employers and organisations, as well as highlighting the benefits to both beneficiaries and businesses.


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