A puzzle is a game, problem, or toy that tests a person's ingenuity or knowledge. In a puzzle, the solver is expected to put pieces together in a logical way, in order to arrive at the correct or fun solution of the puzzle. There are different genres of puzzles, such as crossword puzzles, word-search puzzles, number puzzles, relational puzzles, or logic puzzles.
Puzzles are often created to be a form of entertainment but they can also arise from serious mathematical or logistical problems. In such cases, their solution may be a significant contribution to mathematical research.
Puzzles Tag:
Logic,maths,humour,mystery,series,riddle,cipher,trick,time and distance,story,equation,probability,picture,science,civil service,what am I,trivia,rebus,akbar and birbal,measure,square counting,triangles counting,statements,matchsticks,oddd one out,situation.
Illusions tags:
Funny,logic,tricky,impossible,cool,amazing,nature,trippy,moving ,art,graffiti,perception,3d,anamorphic,puzzles,tree,face.