
Scorpio April 17-24 The Universe Has Other Plans For You

Scorpio April 17-24 The Universe Has Other Plans For You I started my journey with spirituality in May 2018 after a painful break up and a struggle with addiction. I discovered astrology and tarot and suddenly wanted better for my life. As of July 2018, I got clean and started releasing toxicity from my life. I am here to continue growing and learning and helping others through difficult situations along the way.
I am a Leo Sun, Rising, and Venus with a Cancer Moon. My North Node is in Aquarius. I am a life path 9.
I am also a single mother of a 5 year old. Lillianna loves attention, so prepare for interruptions. 😁
If you have any questions or would like private readings, feel free to contact me through email.
Donations are always welcome and very much appreciated but not required.

I look forward to starting this journey with you!


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