
Greenpeace accuses Nestle of not making effort to reduce single use plastic waste

Greenpeace accuses Nestle of not making effort to reduce single use plastic waste '네슬레 대항의 날' 일회용품 사용 금지 시위한 그린피스

Greenpeace activists have been demonstrating outside Nestle headquarters in Vevey,... accusing the company of not making efforts to reduce plastic waste.
Activists brought out a giant creature made of the company's plastic waste in front of the headquarters.
They also had canoes and kayaks at the Leman Lake with banners that urged to stop using unrecyclable plastic.
Greenpeace says Nestle is not delivering on its promise to make all their packaging recyclable by 2025.
The company had also promised to push the use of compostable and biodegradable materials.

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