
Boost Profits with Customer Retention - Part 1 | Yvonne A Jones

Boost Profits with Customer Retention - Part 1 | Yvonne A Jones As a small business owner, you know that customers are the lifeblood of your business; it simply will not survive without them.

Loyal, repeat customers are valuable to your business. Successful companies all over the world recognize the importance of getting “new” customers.

However, many of them ignore methods that help them keep their “existing” customers. This is either because they don’t know how to get them to come back or they don’t take the time and necessary actions to make it happen.

As a solopreneur, entrepreneur or small business owner, you cannot ignore this. There will be attrition so you must take control of your customer base and learn simple strategies that will help you retain your customers so you stop the customer/client chase and have FUN in your business.


retentio,customer retention,customer loyalty,Yvonne A Jones,

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